From the Desk of Dean Andy • 042624

I had a great trip to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for the Deans Conference, but it is always nice to come home. It was good to be with so many Deans and spouses/partners from across the US and Canada who share the same passion for serving Christ from their Cathedrals and, not only that, serving the communities and dioceses in which they are located. You will hear more about what I learned this Sunday as it fits nicely with our readings. Next year we had hoped to be in Jerusalem for a week but opted to postpone that trip to a later time. Instead, we will gather in Omaha, Nebraska, where Trinity Cathedral, Omaha, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines, Iowa, will be our hosts. But, for now, my focus is here with all of you as we continue through this Easter Season.

We have a busy spring coming up with Youth Sunday on May 5, a Cathedral workday in the gardens on May 11, Mothers’ Day on May 12, and our Parish Picnic on May 19, the Feast of Pentecost. More information will be available soon on the workday and picnic.

I haven’t included a financial snapshot in a while, so here is one through March 2024:


MTD Budget $181,536; MTD Actual $197,286

YTD Budget $529,260; YTD Actual $530,702


MTD Budget $175,783; MTD Actual $187,801

YTD Budget $527,350; YTD Actual $515,614

Our 2024 Annual Giving Campaign goal is $500,000. As of April 25, 2024:

We have 117 Pledges for a total of $450,802

There are 10 new Pledges for a total of $10,240

There are 23 Pledges not yet renewed from 2023 for a total of $56,625

Please continue to pray for one another, for our Cathedral family, for our nation, and the world.

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